Why a stupid AI is enough to break job market
How smart an AI should be to break job market ? Be the best Go player ? Translate text in 52 languages ? Current AI are enough. Let’s see why
Current market analyze
We have already heard something like “Humain can’t be replaced by machine, an humain is genius”. Well, Einstein, Steve Job, Steven Hawking are genius but they are exceptions. Actually, job market is not full of genius. David Graeber shown us that at least 30% jobs are a kind of bullshit job. 30% of humain being can be remplaced by an empty software.
30% is a huge part, however I don’t expend this case, I want to tell you about stupid AI not empty AI ! What the other 70% humains do ? Many of them, are what I call programmed job. In programmed job, there are neither creativity nor self thinking, you just follow rules. You learn a flow chart to take predicable decisions from predicable events.
I think you imagine right now some macdonal employee, with predefined sentence to take command, strict optimized motion to make your meal. However a programmed job is something more wisely. Advocat is programmed job, they learn and apply day after day predicable rules named “laws”. Or Medecins is a programmed job, they analyze you, and they learn strict mapping between symptoms and diseases. Each employee who tell you “It’s no my fault, I just follow procedure” is a programmed job.
Interface & Business logic
If so many jobs are already programmed job, why there are not yet remplaced ? Many jobs are interfaces. We paid humain to be an interface between customer and business logic. Programmed job are here to collect customer input, process business logic and give output informations to customer.
Today a programmed job can be remplaced by sofware if the interfaces and business logic are basic.
Cloud solution for simple interface and business logic
Do you reminder your macdonald employee ? What he does ? He lets you speak about your command then he justs tap your command on a screen. It’s the most obvious programmed job .Business logic has already been wrote into a software. In this case, employee is just a translator between language and complicated GUI. This job has been simply removed by setup a huge screen in front of macdonald with an user friendly GUI.
First breaking job market happened when GUI and business logic were put inside cloud plateform. You book your vacation through website, you search your appartment through website, you text your friends by website, you check your bank account though website. All these tasks were made by humains before, who listen you and translate your speech inside GUI. Now you use directly this GUI, and humain has disapeared.
AI improves interface
What I think, it’s an AI like neuronal network will put forward interface. How many humains work in administration office only to handle mail contents and process customer’s ask into flow charts, then append a specific excel tab ? What will happen if AI can understand mail content. In this case, business logic is basic, it can be directly wrote in software. Neuronal network will be used to bring a humain-like understanding. Therefore, interface based on AI as text recognition, language recognition or view recognition will remplace all job as administration officier or other.
AI learns business logic
Other jobs as Advocat has two issues to automatize. One with a complex interface to speak with a customer, which can be deal it by a AI as see above. Second by understanding a complex business logic. In this case business logic is law and jurisprudences, it can’t be wrote directly by humain inside software. However, we haven’t to write program with neuronal network, software writes itself ! Complex business logic like law can be embedded inside AI.
Advocat and macdonal employee are two programmed jobs. The difference is in the complexity of interface and business logic. Macdonal employees have already been remplaced by GUI and hard coded software. Advocates will be remplaced by neuronal network. Gap between both job is tiny !
Advocate, medecin, notary, officier, a lot of current jobs are programmed jobs, where humain is an interface to a strict business logic. What was too complicated to be handle by GUI and hard coded software will be available by neuronal networks, by today neuronal networks. We don’t need the smartest AI to deal with a officer job, current AI already deal with mail content.
Current recogniton AI for text, speech or vison are enought to break down job market.